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The new office space.

Ken Lange

I apologize for being quiet recently. I assure you there are several good reasons. The first of which is, I reworked the back room for the better half's new office space shown above. Still need a chair but otherwise, I think it turned out pretty decent.

Next, I've been doing my best to wrap up Fall of Eleazar, Withering, Book 1. The editing is complete, formatting is nearly there, and waiting for the covers to be completed. In addition, I've proofed the first few audio chapters this week. With luck, the audio will be out shortly after the release on November 3rd. I'm guessing we could all use a little distraction that day.

Finally, I'm properly into Storm Fall, Warden Global, Book 4. Meaning I've broken the 100 page mark. YIPPEE. We're too far out right now to have an estimated release date, but I'll let you know as soon as that changes. This book is turning out to be more interesting than originally intended. Hope that's a good thing.

As a bonus, the title for the following book after Storm Fall is, Blighted, Plague Bearer, Book 2. I'm really excited to get to this one.

One thing at a time I suppose.

Have a wonderful day and stay safe.


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